Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Home Sweet Home!

No blogs for a while as I will be in the USA from May 17-24. I head to Atlanta on May 17 and am really looking forward to seeing my husband, my daughters, and my friends for a week. Art has been gone since May 1 and it has been very lonely here without him. And, I miss Cindy and Sam so much.

Can't wait to sleep in my own bed, drive a car, sit on our dock and watch the sun set, maybe throw a few shrimp shells into the lake, take a cocktail cruise, and just relax for a few days. Then, on Tuesday, Art and I head to Chicago to attend the awards banquet of the Society for Technical Communication where I am being inducted as a Fellow in the Society. Wednesday we return to Macon, and then head back to Germany on Friday afternoon.

The following week is Spring Break for the University where I am teaching, so Art and I are renting a car and headed towards the Romantic Road and the Swiss Alps. Stay tuned...lots more adventures and tales on the way.

I also hope to soon upload a blog about my experiences as a visiting professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Karlsruhe. I am about halfway through my tenure here, so have lots of pictures and stories to share with you.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, that's great that you're able to come home to see the girls and Art! I'm so excited for you about being named a Fellow - such an honor! Congrats! :)

    Take lots of pics in the Alps, that's on my bucket list too!
