Saturday, March 10, 2012

Red Tape Round Two

After the debacle surrounding delivery of our Internet stick, I decided to cancel our order on Monday (March 6), after consulting with my colleagues (all of whom were appalled DHL would not leave the stick because I did not have a work visa). Jurgen Muthig, a colleague who has been extremely helpful, offered to order it for us and have it delivered to his office.  Sure enough, it arrived Tuesday, and was easy to install. So, we have Internet access at the apartment and Art is delighted. Me, too, so I can now blog (although I have to do it early in the morning, as the stick has limited band width).

Next up: the work visa. I had an appointment Tuesday at 11 a.m., in the same building as the office where I went to register where we are living. Amazingly, the visa appointment went quite well. Frau Klein, the woman who took my application, spoke very little English, but we managed to get all the paperwork completed, as well as get fingerprints of both my index fingers. All the paperwork gets sent to Berlin to be processed and in three weeks I will get a postcard saying that my visa in ready to be picked up, back at this same office. So, one more trip back here.

That afternoon I went to the bank to open my bank account, since I now have documentation that my work visa is being processed (required to open account; reason I was turned down last visit). Dr. Joachim Lembach, Director of International Programs, came with me in case an interpretor was needed. And, one was. The banking officer spoke quite good English, but wanted Joachim to translate. That way, if Joachim’s translation was incorrect, the banking officer would not be responsible for any misunderstandings. More paper to complete and voila, in three weeks the bank will send me a debit card and pin number.

So, the problem is now that we are not allowed to put our name on the mailbox. We did this on Sat., so DHL could find us. But, the rental agent pitched a fit, so we now have to put his name back on the box. No way to identify the box; no way to get my visa and bank card. Big sigh this time.

Resolution: I have contacted the bank and asked to have my address changed to my work address. We’ll see if that works.

Next problem: someone who speaks fluent German will have to contact Frau Klein and see if my visa can also be sent to my work address. I’m hoping Sabine Lobach, the grad assistant, will be able to do this on Monday (March 12), when she returns from vacation. 

Here is the evidence: the mail box with our name on it (middle one in this picture).  Our name is not there any more!

I am really hoping not to have to post a Red Tape Round Three entry!

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